1.Papers published in Food & Machinery are stored on Periodical Press server of Changsha University of Science & Technology (CSUST), currently located at the Changsha University of Science & Technology Library. We take the preservation of the papers very seriously. The printed journals are stored and protected well in the university library archive room(Room A-1011, 10th floor, Library Building, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Wanjiali Road, Changsha, 410114, China). The online issues are available on journal website(http://www.ifoodmm.com/spyjxen/issue/browser).
2.The journal is currently long-term archived by The National Library of China(http://www.nlc.cn/),China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI, https://navi.cnki.net/knavi/journals/SPJX/detail?uniplatform=NZKPT), The Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform(https://sns.wanfangdata.com.cn/perio/spyjj), The VIP Information Journal Service Platform(CQVIP, http://qikan.cqvip.com/Qikan/Journal/Summary?kind=1&gch=90106A&from=Qikan_Search_Index).
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