Data Sharing Policy
Food & Machinery journal has three polices on data sharing:
Policy 1:
We suggest that data generated by your research that supports your article be made openly and publicly available upon publicaton of your article. Where it is not possible or viable to make data openly available (due to confidentially or sensitivity isuues), they should be stated in the end of the article.
Policy 2:
We strongly encourage that data generated by your research that supports your article be made as soon as possible, where legally and ethically possible.
Policy 3:
We encourage you to make avalaible as much of the underlying data from your article as possible(without compromising participant privacy), but at least the minimum data required to reproduce the results presented in the associated article.
Data should not be shared in any way that could compromise participant anonymity or privacy, and data should not be shared if that would require the authors to break any laws or licensing agreemets. If the data used were licensed from a third party, the data availability statement should explain how to obtain a license for the data.
Where a research community in a particular field has established standards for what, where, and how data should be shared, we expect authors to meet those.
While data sharing is not mandatory in most of journals, Food & Machinery reserves the right to request at any time confidential access to any primary data needed to reproduce the article so that the results reported can be verified.
How to access data is available upon request
Data requesters should do the following:
l Email the corresponding author for the paper to request the revelant data.
l The journal will assess the request and if appropriate will encourage the authors or their institutions to share the data, although Food & Machinery is not in a position to compel data release or broker aggreements.
l If appropriate, invite the original author[s] to participate in the re-analysis.
l If a month elapses without a response from the authors, please email the editorial office of the revelant journal.
post code:410114
contact address:Changsha University of Science and Techonology NO.960 2nd section, Wanjiali RD(S)